Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The effect on me

  I told you about how my mom didn't dropped out of school last blog. Well, that not only has an effect on her, but it has it on me too. My mom couldn't go to college because she had problems with finding the money, and because she was always having problems with my grandfather.

 This has an affect in me because I also have no money to go to college. This is the main reason why I want to go to college, but it's hard to keep going to school when I leave with a single mother trying to support my little brother and me. My mom does everything she can to put food in our table and to keep us under a roof. Now that she has a day care, she earns some money, but they'realmost tnot enough. She wants to get her license to be able to own her own day care, but it will take months or maybe a year.

Things like this is what makes it harder for me to become someone in life, but they also encourage me to try and try until I reach the top.


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