I've always wanted to be rich my whole life. When I was a little kid, I was imagined that rich kids are the happiest ever. They don't have to work. That they have would never get in trouble. That they were all smart.
Now, I found out that they aren't the happiest. A lot of rich people aren't even happy at all. It's true that they don't have to work, but they aren't happy. Many rich kids aren't even educated. The fact that they're rich makes them think that they don't need an education. That they could rely on their parents forever. Well, to me that's wrong. In other words, there are also a lot of smart rich people. I've seen rich kids that go to public schools and everything. They make me actually want to become like them or even overcome them.
Rich people aren't actually the happy. If you think of it, what's the point of having all that money when you won't spend it all? Many do give money to charity and similar programs, but the majority of them just don't care about the rest of the people. Those kind of people make me want to overcome them. Well, I plan on studying and becoming what I want in life.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
There are many type of friends in the world. They could be close friends and they could be normal friends. Some you trust a lot, and some you don't. But the point is that they're friends.
Friends who are not that close, you probably don't trust. Some times you might, but it's very rare. These friends may encourage you do do things that are valuable to you, while others just don't care. To be honest, I don't trust many of my friends in some things. I rather just keep things to myself, and not make a mistake by telling them those things because they might spread out.
Close friends are a different thing. They don't only earn your trust, but they give you a voice. They listen to you when you're talking about something important to you. They're always there when you need them. Close friends are like brothers/ sisters that you never had. You guys might have an argument one day, but you guys wouldn't be mad your forever. What's good about close friends is that it's very rare to see them betray you or something similar to it.
There is a difference between normal friends and close friends. I just explained to you in this blog. People like your close friends support and encourage you to reach your American Dream or make it easy for you.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Miracle
There are many miracles in the world. There are miracles that save lives. There are miracles that change people's minds. Some miracles are so big that after years on happening people don't even believe them.
When I was four years old, I was playing in the second floor of my house in Dominican Republic. I was having so much fun with my friends. We were playing hide and seek, tag, a Spanish game named "zero mata zero," and many other games. After we were done playing those games, we were bored and had nothing to do. To get ourselves entertained we decided to just jump around.
We were all just so just so crazy. We were running from the wall to the second floor porch, and every time we got to the porch we would jump and then back again. Then came the incident. I got to the porch and I jump a little too high, so I fell down. Then, I thought it was just seconds later that I woke up, but it really wasn't. I woke up 6 months later. When my mom told me how long I had been in a coma, I said to myself, "God is giving me a chance, he's giving me a chance to make something out of myself." So ever since then my life turned around.
Who said that it's always a person that changes your life around? In my opinion, who ever said that is wrong. An accident changed my life. That accident made me think of how I should reach my American Dream.
When I was four years old, I was playing in the second floor of my house in Dominican Republic. I was having so much fun with my friends. We were playing hide and seek, tag, a Spanish game named "zero mata zero," and many other games. After we were done playing those games, we were bored and had nothing to do. To get ourselves entertained we decided to just jump around.
We were all just so just so crazy. We were running from the wall to the second floor porch, and every time we got to the porch we would jump and then back again. Then came the incident. I got to the porch and I jump a little too high, so I fell down. Then, I thought it was just seconds later that I woke up, but it really wasn't. I woke up 6 months later. When my mom told me how long I had been in a coma, I said to myself, "God is giving me a chance, he's giving me a chance to make something out of myself." So ever since then my life turned around.
Who said that it's always a person that changes your life around? In my opinion, who ever said that is wrong. An accident changed my life. That accident made me think of how I should reach my American Dream.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Career change
Around the world, people have many different careers they want to go for. I'm one of them. I see a future in me and for other people too. Just like me, others change the career they want to go for. Many change from architecture to law and the other way around. But these aren't the only ones though.
When I was little. I always dreamed of being a lawyer. Being a lawyer is almost every young boy's dream. I always told my mom about how I would get her out of trouble if she got into them. I dreamed of win ALL of the cases I got into. Then, on my fresher-men year, I went to this career fair and I saw this institute called "Universal Technical Institute." My dream of becoming a lawyer went from 100% to 0%. I wanted to go for automotive engineering. Ever since I saw that institute, I was having dreams about building and designing cars, everything.

That was how I went from one career to another. Changes like these change the way you want to reach your American Dream. They help you pursuit what you really want in life. They help you find what you will enjoy the most. Changing careers is not always a bad thing.
When I was little. I always dreamed of being a lawyer. Being a lawyer is almost every young boy's dream. I always told my mom about how I would get her out of trouble if she got into them. I dreamed of win ALL of the cases I got into. Then, on my fresher-men year, I went to this career fair and I saw this institute called "Universal Technical Institute." My dream of becoming a lawyer went from 100% to 0%. I wanted to go for automotive engineering. Ever since I saw that institute, I was having dreams about building and designing cars, everything.
That was how I went from one career to another. Changes like these change the way you want to reach your American Dream. They help you pursuit what you really want in life. They help you find what you will enjoy the most. Changing careers is not always a bad thing.
New born baby story
A lot of people don't want their couples meeting their parents. I know why, because their moms always embarrass them. Every time they bring their date home, his/ her mom or dad always has to tell stories about them. But that's not all, I don't like being in family reunions because they always talk about my childhood.
Last time my family and I had a reunion they were all talking about me. I was the laughing stock. They were talking about how I use to act when I was little, etc.
One time my mom was telling the story of when she was pregnant. She told us about how she would work everyday, how she would work her butt off to keep food in the table. She had to take care of my two older brothers and I was a problem at the time because I was in her stomach. She would always imagine of playing with my hair, she talked about how she always wanted a girl and that she was sure that I was going to be a baby girl. She even had her own name for me, it was "Kerubee" or something like that. I was so embarrassed.
People like moms help the American Dream easier to reach. When I heard how she would work her butt off to keep food in the table and other things. I was amazed, even though she still works her butt off now, I was amazed of how she was pregnant and still worked to feed my brothers.
Last time my family and I had a reunion they were all talking about me. I was the laughing stock. They were talking about how I use to act when I was little, etc.
One time my mom was telling the story of when she was pregnant. She told us about how she would work everyday, how she would work her butt off to keep food in the table. She had to take care of my two older brothers and I was a problem at the time because I was in her stomach. She would always imagine of playing with my hair, she talked about how she always wanted a girl and that she was sure that I was going to be a baby girl. She even had her own name for me, it was "Kerubee" or something like that. I was so embarrassed.
People like moms help the American Dream easier to reach. When I heard how she would work her butt off to keep food in the table and other things. I was amazed, even though she still works her butt off now, I was amazed of how she was pregnant and still worked to feed my brothers.
Change in me
Ever since I turn 10, I noticed big changes on me. I'm normal, and Just like every other human in the world, I change. There are people who, through out there lives, don't change a bit. There are people in high school who act the same way as they did in middle and elementary school. They may act mature; they may act immature, but they don't change.
I noticed that I've changed immensely through out my life. When I was little, I would get in trouble all the time. I would scape from school, which was and still is prohibited. I remember the guy who would always try to catch me every time I escaped from elementary school. Three times I crossed between his legs and escaped. I wouldn't care about school. But then, when I moved to the United States, I was a whole different person. All I focused on was school. I never skipped or anything.
Another thing that changed about me was my attitude. When I was little, I would swear at anyone who gave me attitude, hit me, got me in trouble, and I would treat everyone bad. Now, I'm a whole different person. I learned to treat others how you want to be treated, so I treated everyone good. The teachers noticed how I learned to respect them, I improve my learning skills, everything. When I passed to fifth grade, I never skipped a class, never escaped from school. I was a good kid and teachers loved me.
Changes like these are always a step forward. These changes help the American Dream of a person a lot easier to reach.
My opinion on social networks
Everyone loves social networks. I won't lie, I love them. The majority of the people in the world spend at least one or two hours on them. Everyone thinks that social networks are good. What they don't know is that they ruin people dreams and future too.
Many people spend their time chatting with friends and other stuff. They post what they think on them. They play games and post pictures. In these sites, you get to keep yourself in contact with your friends, your family, and get to meet new people. It also informs you of what other people do, like post pictures and other things. They also allow you to comment on their statuses, pictures etc.
There are many great things about social networks, but it also has its downside. People some times comment horrible things in these websites. Thousands of people have committed suicide because of these sites. But that's not all, everything you put on these sites stay there. For example, there was this teenager who posted a naked picture of herself, she wanted to delete it right away, but even though she erased it, it stayed on millions of people's minds.
Social networks are good in some occasions, but they're horrible on others. Things like this ruin other people's like, that's why every time I'm about to post something, I think of it before I do it.
Many people spend their time chatting with friends and other stuff. They post what they think on them. They play games and post pictures. In these sites, you get to keep yourself in contact with your friends, your family, and get to meet new people. It also informs you of what other people do, like post pictures and other things. They also allow you to comment on their statuses, pictures etc.
There are many great things about social networks, but it also has its downside. People some times comment horrible things in these websites. Thousands of people have committed suicide because of these sites. But that's not all, everything you put on these sites stay there. For example, there was this teenager who posted a naked picture of herself, she wanted to delete it right away, but even though she erased it, it stayed on millions of people's minds.
Social networks are good in some occasions, but they're horrible on others. Things like this ruin other people's like, that's why every time I'm about to post something, I think of it before I do it.
Friday, May 13, 2011
My Education
People have many different ways of being educated. Others don't even care about education. They think that school is just a waste of time. People decide to skip classes and think it's cool. When people tell me "Hey, yo, I skipped two classes, and I never got caught," I would say in my mind, "Well good for idiot, you're the one that's losing not them."
Unlike those who don't care about school, there's others that devote their time to school. I'm not going to lie, I'm one of them. Going to school and getting an education is the most important thing to me. I have have people, like my mom, who encourage me to go to school, and I love that because not only do I want to go to school, but I have others who want me to go to school too.
I don't just think of myself in getting an education. I try to encourage others into getting it too. For example, I have a friend who is the sister I never had. When I met her she would skip school, get Ds and Fs. Then one day I told her that I want her to get good grades and graduate from high school, at least. I told her that I would help her in anything she was stuck in. Now, I feel really proud and special because, today, she told me that she's getting Bs and Cs, and that she's doing this just for me. I feel like I made a change in her and that if I can do it, many others can too.
To me, this is a step to reaching my American Dream. I don't like to think of myself, I think of others too. My dream is to get a well paying job, a house with a family, and to give other people a hand when things get difficult in life.
My Goal
My everyday goal is to make the best of the day. People have many goals. There two types of goal; there's short- term goals, which is like planning your day or planning to buy something. There is also long- term goals, which takes a lot of planning and time.
Well my short - term goal right now is to make the best of this and next week. To do that, I have to plan the things I'm want to do and put them in a schedule. This will help me plan how much time I will spend on homework, and how much time I'm going to have for myself. Short- term goal doesn't have to be big, there just simple things you want to accomplish in a short period of time.
My long- term goal is to graduate from high school and college. But that's not all, I want to graduate high school and college getting honor roll in every year. This might effect my short- term goal, but to me it's worth it. To do this, I have to do all my homework and assignments. Who ever said that getting honor roll is easy? I say it's not, but when you're trying to get into college or getting a job, these things will increase the chances of you getting in or being higher immensely.
I can't wait to graduate from high school and college as an honor student! It has always been my dream, and I don't plan on giving it up.
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